The Pivot Rock Fund

A privately funded source of small grants.

Pivot Rock

The Pivot Rock Fund is the grant-making enterprise of a particular and idiosyncratic individual person and his immediate household. This fund is intended primarily to pay for complete projects (as opposed to making a small contribution to a vast undertaking), although the small project may be part of a comprehensive plan. We typically expect to make grants in the range of $3,000 to $5,000. We'll consider both smaller and larger amounts.

The Pivot Rock Fund began limited operations in 2014 with full operations coming in 2018.

Building up the fabric of our community

We like to spend our money in ways which are beneficial to everyone in the community. We also tend to prefer projects which benefit people in our own neighborhood in northeastern Wisconsin or which have a strong tie to the grantor's personal or family history.

Use the web form for the initial contact.

We're too small to have a full-time staff of interceptors turning away grant requests, so we ask you to use the web form for your initial contact with us. The information in this form will be used to screen projects based on our personal interest and the funds available. If we are ready to consider making a grant, we will ask you for more complete information.

Organization Information Wheatley Cat
Wheatley Cat
Name and focus of organization:
Charitable Cultural
Historical Educational
Religious Governmental
Name of responsible executive:
Executive's email:
Executive's telephone: ()
Location of organization:
(City and state)
Mailing address of organization:

ZIP code:
Organization's website:
(But only if it speaks to your competence)

Use full address:
Project Information Buddy Dog
Buddy Dog
Descriptive title of the project:
Who will benefit from this endeavor?
Amount of request: $ estimated budgeted
Name of person leading the project:
Project leader's email:
Project time schedule: Date by which you hope for a commitment from us:

Date by which you would need funds in hand:
Additional description:
If you think it will get you more favorable screening, you can include a little more description of the project here. (On the other hand, grant-writing jargon could destroy your chances.)
Ancillary Information Fluffy Kitty
Fluffy Kitty
Programmatic context. We prefer to completely fund small projects (or well defined tasks within larger campaigns) but such small grants only make sense in the context of the larger program. It would help us to understand your request if you can say a little about how the project is related to the other activities of your organization.
Operational and maintenance costs. If the proposed project is funded, how will it affect the ongoing costs of the organization? For example, new signage might entail continuing maintenance and replacement, while restoration of a historic object might reduce maintenance of the object. The project might beget no net change to ongoing costs (but that's always the hardest claim to justify).
Naming options. Like all grantors, we're pretty much full of ourselves. We know that small grants won't get us a whole building named in our honor, but we are open to smaller honors. For example, there might be The Wheatley Cat Men's Rest Room Refurbishment, The Fluffy Kitty Children's Story Corner, or The Buddy Dog Plexiglas Protective Display Case. If you think that any such opportunities might exist in connection with the proposed project, let us know.
Submit request
then wait for the confirmation page

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